'People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right - especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong.' Thomas Sowell
1. “In Shakespearean English, a customer was a prostitute.”
2. “In Tudor England, fishmonger’s daughter was a euphemism for a prostitute.”
3. “Conundrum was originally an Oxford University nickname for a pedantic person.”
4. “The surname Mulligan means ‘little bald man’.”
5. “The surname Kennedy means ‘ugly-head’.”
6. “Tory derives from an Irish word for ‘outlaw’.”
7. “The Welsh word for ‘carrots’ is moron.”
8. “An ale-knight is a drinking companion, or habitual drunkard.”
9. “Pumpernickel means ‘farting goblin’.”
10. “Walrus means ‘whale-horse’.”
11. “In the eighteenth century, a figure dancer was a criminal or forger who specialised in altering the numbers on banknotes.”
12. “A spit-poison is an very malicious or spiteful person.”
13. “In Canadian slang, someone who wastes time is called an afternoon
14. “Wardrobe is another name for badger excrement.”
15. “A shot-log is an unwanted friend or drinking companion, whose company is only tolerated so that they can pay for a round for the rest of the group.”