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Showing posts with label supply side policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supply side policy. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 July 2023

A Level Economics 22: Labour Markets and Supply Side Economics

Supply-side performance refers to the overall productivity and efficiency of the production factors, including labor, in an economy. It represents the ability of an economy to produce goods and services efficiently, meet demand, and achieve sustainable economic growth. Issues in the labor market can significantly impact the supply side performance of an economy. Here are a few examples of how labor market issues can affect the supply side of an economy:

  1. Labor Shortages: When there is a shortage of available labor in the market, it can constrain the supply side performance of the economy. For example, if a country experiences a decline in the working-age population due to demographic factors or emigration, there may be insufficient labor to meet the demand for goods and services. This can lead to production bottlenecks, reduced output, and slower economic growth. A shortage of skilled labor, particularly in critical sectors, can also limit productivity and hinder the economy's ability to capitalize on growth opportunities.

  2. Skills Mismatch: A skills mismatch occurs when there is a gap between the skills demanded by employers and the skills possessed by the available workforce. If the labor market lacks workers with the necessary skills and qualifications to meet the demands of emerging industries or technological advancements, it can hinder the supply side performance of the economy. The inability to match labor skills with evolving market needs can limit productivity, innovation, and the competitiveness of industries. Conversely, a well-matched and skilled workforce enhances productivity, stimulates technological progress, and drives economic growth.

  3. Low Labor Force Participation: Low labor force participation refers to a situation where a significant portion of the population is not actively engaged in the workforce. Factors such as high unemployment rates, discouraged workers, or a lack of job opportunities can contribute to low labor force participation. This can limit the supply side performance of the economy by underutilizing human resources and reducing the overall output potential. It also results in missed opportunities for economic growth and development. Encouraging labor force participation through targeted policies, training programs, and inclusive growth initiatives can enhance the supply side performance.

  4. Informal Economy: A large informal economy, characterized by unregulated and unregistered employment, can hinder the supply side performance of an economy. Informal workers often lack access to social protections, formal training, and productive resources. This can lead to lower productivity levels, lower-quality output, and reduced innovation. Additionally, the informal sector may evade taxes, leading to revenue losses for the government, which can further impact the economy's supply side performance. Formalizing the informal economy and providing support for workers in the transition can improve productivity and contribute to overall economic performance.

  5. Labor Market Rigidities: Labor market rigidities, such as excessive regulations, high levels of unionization, or inflexible labor laws, can impede the supply side performance of an economy. These rigidities make it difficult for employers to adjust their workforce according to changing market conditions, hindering their ability to optimize production levels. Excessive labor regulations can also increase labor costs, reduce labor market flexibility, and discourage investment, thereby limiting economic growth. Creating a more flexible and adaptive labor market environment can foster productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.

  6. Wage Growth and Income Inequality: Excessive wage growth or widening income inequality can affect the supply side performance of an economy. Rapid wage growth that outpaces productivity gains can lead to cost-push inflation, reducing the competitiveness of industries. On the other hand, significant income inequality can limit access to resources, education, and opportunities, hindering human capital development and innovation. Striking a balance between fair wages, productivity growth, and equitable income distribution promotes a healthy supply side performance and sustainable economic development.

Addressing these labor market issues is crucial to enhance the supply side performance of an economy. Policies aimed at improving labor force participation, promoting skills development, reducing skills mismatches, fostering labor market flexibility, and ensuring inclusive growth can help overcome these challenges and promote sustainable economic performance. By creating a conducive environment for labor market dynamics and efficiently utilizing the available workforce, economies can enhance their supply side performance and achieve long-term prosperity. 

A Level Economics 21: Labour Market Flexibility

Labor market flexibility involves the ease with which both workers and employers can adapt to changes in economic conditions and make adjustments in employment, job roles, and work arrangements. It encompasses the flexibility of employers to hire, fire, and manage their workforce efficiently.

Factors Affecting Flexibility in Labour Markets:

  1. Trade Union Power: The influence and power of trade unions can affect labor market flexibility. Strong unions with significant bargaining power may negotiate for higher wages, increased job security, and stricter employment regulations, which can reduce employers' flexibility in making hiring and firing decisions, as well as adjusting work arrangements. Conversely, weaker unions or more cooperative labor relations can enhance flexibility for employers by enabling more adaptable work arrangements and facilitating workforce management.

  2. Regulation: Labor market regulations, such as employment protection laws, minimum wage legislation, and working time regulations, can impact flexibility for employers. Stricter regulations may limit employers' ability to adjust their workforce, make hiring and firing decisions, or modify work schedules, leading to reduced flexibility. More flexible labor market regulations can allow employers to respond more quickly to changes in labor demand, hire and dismiss employees more easily, and adjust work arrangements as needed.

  3. Welfare Payments: The design of welfare payments, such as unemployment benefits and social assistance programs, can influence labor market flexibility for employers. Generous welfare benefits that provide extensive financial support to unemployed individuals may reduce employers' flexibility by creating disincentives for individuals to actively seek employment. However, well-designed welfare systems that provide support while encouraging labor market participation can promote flexibility for employers by facilitating workforce mobility and easing the transition between jobs.

  4. Income Tax Rates: Income tax rates can impact labor market flexibility for employers by influencing labor supply and individuals' decisions to work, earn additional income, or accept different job opportunities. High tax rates may discourage labor force participation, reduce incentives for individuals to work longer hours or take on additional responsibilities, and hinder mobility between jobs. Lower tax rates, particularly on lower-income brackets or certain types of income, can incentivize labor market participation and support flexibility for employers by fostering a more dynamic and adaptable workforce.


  • In countries where trade unions have significant power, employers may face more challenges in making adjustments to their workforce based on changing market conditions. Stricter labor regulations imposed through union negotiations may limit employers' flexibility in terms of hiring, firing, and adjusting work arrangements.

  • Labor market regulations that provide strong employment protections can limit employers' flexibility to make workforce adjustments. For instance, strict regulations related to severance pay or notice periods may increase the cost and complexity of dismissing employees, reducing employers' flexibility to manage their workforce effectively.

  • Generous unemployment benefits that provide a high level of income replacement for extended periods may reduce labor market flexibility for employers. These benefits can discourage individuals from actively seeking employment, making it more challenging for employers to find suitable candidates when job vacancies arise.

  • High income tax rates, particularly on businesses and higher income brackets, can limit employers' flexibility by increasing labor costs and reducing their ability to offer competitive wages or expand their workforce. Lower tax rates can provide employers with more financial resources to invest in human capital, hire additional employees, or offer higher salaries, enhancing flexibility in workforce management.

Labor market flexibility is a complex concept that involves the interaction between workers and employers. Ensuring a balance between worker protections and employer flexibility is essential to promote a dynamic and efficient labor market.

Saturday 17 June 2023

Economics Essay 66: Supply Side Policies

 Evaluate the use of supply side reforms in reducing unemployment in the UK.

Supply-side policies are economic measures aimed at improving the productive capacity and efficiency of an economy. These policies focus on enhancing the supply side of the economy by promoting factors such as labor market flexibility, investment in human capital, technological innovation, and reducing regulatory burdens. The primary goal of supply-side reforms is to stimulate long-term economic growth, job creation, and ultimately reduce unemployment.

When evaluating the use of supply-side reforms in reducing unemployment in the UK, several factors need to be considered:

  1. Labor Market Flexibility: Supply-side reforms often aim to increase labor market flexibility by reducing regulations that impede hiring and firing practices, promoting flexible work arrangements, and encouraging labor mobility. These reforms can make it easier for businesses to adapt to changing economic conditions, match workers with job opportunities, and reduce structural unemployment.

  2. Education and Training: Supply-side policies emphasize investment in education and training to enhance human capital. By improving the skills and qualifications of the workforce, these policies aim to reduce skills mismatches, improve productivity, and increase the employability of individuals. Training programs, apprenticeships, and initiatives to promote lifelong learning can help address specific skill gaps and improve labor market outcomes.

  3. Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation: Supply-side reforms often focus on promoting research and development, innovation, and entrepreneurship. By providing incentives for businesses to invest in R&D and adopt new technologies, these policies can enhance productivity, competitiveness, and job creation. Encouraging collaboration between academia and industry, supporting startups, and providing tax incentives for innovation are examples of supply-side measures in this area.

  4. Tax and Regulatory Reforms: Supply-side policies may involve reducing tax burdens on businesses, simplifying tax systems, and streamlining regulations to reduce compliance costs. Lower corporate tax rates can incentivize investment, stimulate entrepreneurship, and create a conducive business environment for job creation. Regulatory reforms that reduce barriers to entry, promote competition, and improve market efficiency can also facilitate economic growth and employment opportunities.

  5. Infrastructure Investment: Supply-side reforms may include investment in physical infrastructure such as transportation networks, communication systems, and energy facilities. Improved infrastructure can attract investment, support business expansion, and create employment in construction and related sectors. It also enhances the overall competitiveness and productivity of the economy.

While supply-side reforms can have positive effects on employment and economic performance, their impact on reducing unemployment may vary:

Advantages of Supply-Side Reforms:

  • Improved labor market flexibility can facilitate job creation and reduce structural unemployment.
  • Investments in education and training can enhance workers' skills, employability, and match them with available job opportunities.
  • Research and innovation policies can lead to productivity gains, competitiveness, and new job creation.
  • Tax and regulatory reforms can incentivize business investment, stimulate entrepreneurship, and boost job creation.
  • Infrastructure investment can generate employment in construction and related industries.

Limitations of Supply-Side Reforms:

  • The effectiveness of supply-side reforms in reducing unemployment may take time to materialize, as some measures require long-term investments and adjustments.
  • Structural factors, such as shifts in industries, technological disruptions, and global economic conditions, can limit the impact of supply-side policies on employment.
  • The success of supply-side reforms may also depend on coordination with other macroeconomic policies, such as monetary and fiscal measures.
  • There may be distributional impacts, where certain sectors or groups may benefit more than others, potentially exacerbating inequalities.

Overall, while supply-side reforms have the potential to contribute to reducing unemployment in the UK, their effectiveness depends on various factors, including the specific measures implemented, the state of the economy, and the broader policy framework in place. A comprehensive approach that combines supply-side reforms with demand-side policies, such as fiscal stimulus and supportive monetary policy, can provide a more balanced and effective strategy to tackle unemployment and promote sustainable economic growth.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Populism is the result of global economic failure

Larry Elliott in The Guardian

The rise of populism has rattled the global political establishment. Brexit came as a shock, as did the victory of Donald Trump. Much head-scratching has resulted as leaders seek to work out why large chunks of their electorates are so cross.

The answer seems pretty simple. Populism is the result of economic failure. The 10 years since the financial crisis have shown that the system of economic governance that has held sway for the past four decades is broken. Some call this approach neoliberalism. Perhaps a better description would be unpopulism.

Unpopulism meant tilting the balance of power in the workplace in favour of management and treating people like wage slaves. Unpopulism was rigged to ensure that the fruits of growth went to the few not to the many. Unpopulism decreed that those responsible for the global financial crisis got away with it while those who were innocent bore the brunt of austerity.
Anybody seeking to understand why Trump won the US presidential election should take a look at what has been happening to the division of the economic spoils. The share of national income that went to the bottom 90% of the population held steady at around 66% from 1950 to 1980. It then began a steep decline, falling to just over 50% when the financial crisis broke in 2007.

Similarly, it is no longer the case that everybody benefits when the US economy is doing well. During the business cycle upswing between 1961 and 1969, the bottom 90% of Americans took 67% of the income gains. During the Reagan expansion two decades later they took 20%. During the Greenspan housing bubble of 2001 to 2007, they got just two cents in every extra dollar of national income generated while the richest 10% took the rest.

Those responsible for global financial crisis got away with it while those who were innocent bore the brunt of austerity

The US economist Thomas Palley* says that up until the late 1970s countries operated a virtuous circle growth model in which wages were the engine of demand growth.

“Productivity growth drove wage growth which fueled demand growth. That promoted full employment which provided the incentive to invest, which drove further productivity growth,” he says.

Unpopulism was touted as the antidote to the supposedly-failed policies of the post-war era. It promised higher growth rates, higher investment rates, higher productivity rates and a trickle down of income from rich to poor. It has delivered none of these things.

James Montier and Philip Pilkington of the global investment firm GMO say that the system that arose in the 1970s was characterised by four significant economic policies: the abandonment of full employment and its replacement with inflation targeting; an increase in the globalisation of the flows of people, capital and trade; a focus on shareholder maximisation rather than reinvestment and growth; and the pursuit of flexible labour markets and the disruption of trade unions and workers’ organisations.

To take just the last of these four pillars, the idea was that trade unions and minimum wages were impediments to an efficient labour market. Collective bargaining and statutory pay floors would result in workers being paid more than the market rate, with the result that unemployment would inevitably rise.

Unpopulism decreed that the real value of the US minimum wage should be eroded. But unemployment is higher than it was when the minimum wage was worth more. Nor is there any correlation between trade union membership and unemployment. If anything, international comparisons suggest that those countries with higher trade union density have lower jobless rates. The countries that have higher minimum wages do not have higher unemployment rates.

“Labour market flexibility may sound appealing, but it is based on a theory that runs completely counter to all the evidence we have,” Montier and Pilkington note. “The alternative theory suggests that labour market flexibility is by no means desirable as it results in an economy with a bias to stagnate that can only maintain high rates of employment and economic growth through debt-fuelled bubbles that inevitably blow up, leading to the economy tipping back into stagnation.”

This quest for ever-greater labour-market flexibility has had some unexpected consequences. The bill in the UK for tax credits spiralled quickly once firms realised that they could pay poverty wages and let the state pick up the bill. Access to a global pool of low-cost labour meant there was less of an incentive to invest in productivity-enhancing equipment.

The abysmally-low levels of productivity growth since the crisis have encouraged the belief that this is a recent phenomenon, but as Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s chief economist, noted last week, the trend started in most advanced countries in the 1970s.

“Certainly, the productivity puzzle is not something which has emerged since the global financial crisis, though it seems to have amplified pre-existing trends,” Haldane said.

Bolshie trade unions certainly can’t be blamed for Britain’s lost productivity decade. The orthodox view in the 1970s was that attempts to make the UK more efficient were being thwarted by shop stewards who modeled themselves on Fred Kite, the character played by Peter Sellers in I’m Alright Jack. Haldane puts the blame elsewhere: on poor management, which has left the UK with a big gap between frontier firms and a long tail of laggards. “Firms which export have systematically higher levels of productivity than domestically-oriented firms, on average by around a third. The same is true, even more dramatically, for foreign-owned firms. Their average productivity is twice that of domestically-oriented firms.”

Wolfgang Streeck: the German economist calling time on capitalism

Read more

Populism is seen as irrational and reprehensible. It is neither. It seems entirely rational for the bottom 90% of the US population to question why they are getting only 2% of income gains. It hardly seems strange that workers in Britain should complain at the weakest decade for real wage growth since the Napoleonic wars.

It has also become clear that ultra-low interest rates and quantitative easing are merely sticking-plaster solutions. Populism stems from a sense that the economic system is not working, which it clearly isn’t. In any other walk of life, a failed experiment results in change. Drugs that are supposed to provide miracle cures but are proved not to work are quickly abandoned. Businesses that insist on continuing to produce goods that consumers don’t like go bust. That’s how progress happens.

The good news is that the casting around for new ideas has begun. Trump has advocated protectionism. Theresa May is consulting on an industrial strategy. Montier and Pilkington suggest a commitment to full employment, job guarantees, re-industrialisation and a stronger role for trade unions. The bad news is that time is running short. More and more people are noticing that the emperor has no clothes.

Even if the polls are right this time and Marine Le Pen fails to win the French presidency, a full-scale political revolt is only another deep recession away. And that’s easy enough to envisage.

Friday 10 February 2012

My Weltanschhaung - 10/2/2012

I am pleased at the new Cameron proposal, - 'Elderly people should be encouraged to go back to work and move into smaller homes'. Thats one more supply side policy. The principle behind it: the purpose of every human being is to contribute to society until death and the Cameron policy exemplifies it. So retirement will only be for the rich, this policy is a third world policy indeed. But who will hire them, I ask? Also, had Britain become a third world country?

I am also pleased that tax breaks are planned for those who employ cooks and cleaners. This is a good way to boost GDP, after all the cooking and cleaning services provided by stay at home parents are free and are not included in the GDP figures.

Its funny the interesting stories seem to appear only in the Daily Telegraph.