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Thursday 12 June 2008

The Paupers Arrive... Late For The Banquet

In a world on the brink, a hyped tale of Asian economic miracle is irrelevant

Boasting by the leaders of India and China over their economic success is supported by the fulsome praise of western observers who have admired these great engines of development and applauded the arrival on the world stage of two great civilisations, taking their rightful place in the comity of nations. More searching scrutiny is required, not only of these attainments, but of the approval they call forth from those with whom they are supposed to be in competition.

"The East is rising," announced former prime minister Tony Blair on April 3, sounding more like a reincarnation of Chairman Mao than a converted Catholic anxious to harness religion to his version of 'progressive' politics. Foreign secretary David Miliband also spoke of "the transfer of economic power to the East", while in January this year, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown acknowledged that between India and Britain, there now exists "a relationship of equals" (what this implied for the relationship until now remains in shadow).

The captivating story with which the West now enchants India and China promotes new stereotypes, quite different from earlier versions, which figured supplicants in one case and Red fanatics in the other; mired in backwardness, casteism and stagnation or stultified by the conformism of grey tunics and intense regimentation. The begging bowl now lies broken, and the skinny hands lately held out for charity now skip nimbly across the keyboards of world-class technology.

Naturally, all this is music to the rulers of India and China. Characteristic of this new relationship was the rapture of press reaction in India to the acquisition by the Tatas of Jaguar and Landrover. 'Jaguar is now an Indian Beast', 'The Desi Tiger has Eaten up the British Jaguar', 'Tatas Rule Britannia'. A Times of India article began, "So what if the Kohinoor diamond—once considered the ultimate symbol of Indian wealth and power—now resides with the Queen of England? On Wednesday evening, icons of British luxury passed into Indian hands for over £1.15 billion...."

Hyperbole? Exaggeration? Perhaps. But it is true that India is now one of the world's major players. The country is walking tall. The giants are wakening. The powerhouses of the future. De-coupling from the US economy. The cliches fall like ripe fruit.

The story is that China, and to an only slightly lesser degree, India, have taken on the West at their own game, and are beating them. This highly seductive proposition is difficult to resist, and feeds growing nationalistic sentiment in both countries. But we may wonder if there is not something disingenuous in the concession by a country like Britain that its power is waning, that it is defeated in the global economic struggle for supremacy.

This should not be taken at face value. The praise heaped upon India and China in the western press has a different inflection in Europe and America. The people of Britain are constantly being warned that "the world does not owe us a living". Wherever the rise of India and China is mentioned, the word 'threat' is rarely absent. The readiness with which jobs—in services as well as manufacture—dematerialise from Britain and America and take up their abode in Guangzhou, Bangalore or Gurgaon serves as a warning to the workers of Europe and the US, grown, some maintain, fat and lazy in the good times which are fast nearing their sub-prime term. The economic triumphs of India and China are invoked to discipline the workforce of the western countries.

Is it true that India and China menace the well-being of the people of the West? After all, the economy of India is still less than half that of Britain, and has 20 times more people, while China's economy in 2007, worth $2.7 trillion, has still not reached that of Germany.According to the UN Human Development Index, China stands at 80 and India at 128 out of 177 countries. Is the economic power of the West really challenged?

What does it mean, that former imperial possessions and dependencies are beating us at our own game? If it really is 'our' game, then does not the eager participation in it of China and India suggest they have succumbed to a form of development from elsewhere, that their own indigenous traditions, the potential of something unfolding from within their cultures, have failed? Does it not imply acknowledgement that the western 'game' (if such it is) is truly superior to anything that these ancient civilisations (to quote another flattering designation widely circulated in the western media) could possibly come up with? Does this suggest capitulation to the wisdom of sometime overlords and masters? Or is it true that the economic rules devised in the West are indeed universal, and correspond to something deep in the DNA of humanity, which the West simply 'discovered', much as it 'discovered' America and India?

It would seem so. The pattern of development has been laid down in advance; and the West has insisted there is no alternative. China and India obligingly pursue the pattern followed by Britain in the early 19th century, of breakneck industrialisation. But whereas we tore recklessly through the resources of our own modest landmass and then plundered those of whole continents, they are being urged to pause and do something different. The world cannot support existing levels of pollution, the Carbon-di-oxide poured into the atmosphere from the great industrial plants, mines and power stations in their countries. More than this: when the West industrialised, the violence and exploitation led to fierce resistance, the birth of trade union and labour movements. Governments were compelled to make concessions, to set up the welfare state and health service, to give guarantees against destitution. But where governments in Europe were compelled—however reluctantly—to intervene, those of India and China are extolled precisely because they have resisted the soft option of safety nets, minimal levels of healthcare and pensions, and offer no security against misery and want.

It doesn't add up. "Become like us", is the message, "but not in the way that we became as we are now." It is almost as though the West is revising its own 'errors' by proxy, in a strange re-run of other people's history, that has left the biosphere to the ravages of unchecked industrialisation and the people to the injuries of unbridled economic forces. Or have India and China become the sites of a practice-run for an untested historical experiment, to find out what happens when unlimited appetites are allowed to express themselves freely within a finite world, and with no colonial hinterland to exploit? A Business Week article two years ago, while lyrical over the emerging superpowers, mentioned as a kind of afterthought, "Both nations must confront ecological degradation that's as obvious as the smog shrouding Shanghai and Bombay, and face real risks of social strife, war and financial crisis."

So who is beating whom? Even if the wager proved possible, and India and China could miraculously conjure forth the wealth to create the equivalent of the western way of life, what would the cost of this truly miraculous achievement be? It is significant that the West has been swift to 'blame' India and China for the vertiginous rise in world food prices: 'they' have developed a taste for foods we take for granted, and this is taking bread—or rice—out of the mouths of the poor.While the extravagances of India's more than one lakh dollar millionaires are the object of awed celebration in the western financial press, those same wealth-creators are then castigated for developing a perverse liking for what used to be called "the finer things of life".

In a world of prodigality and poverty, of excess and exiguity, and a system that violates the elements that sustain life, if India and China increased their wealth twenty- or fifty-fold, what would be the effect on the resource base of the earth? It is yet another unfortunate historical accident that India and China should be poised on the brink of the age of heroic consumption at the very time when the western powers are coming to the sober realisation that this era may be drawing to its close. The insistence that India and China forbear to pollute in the reckless fashion of the West at the time of its early industrialism is an indirect recognition of the impossible task they are faced with. Although the economy is the only area of experience in which the knowing and cynical of the world still believe miracles to occur, it would require unprecedented supernatural intervention to satisfy unbound human desires, which hover like an epic plague of locusts over the harvest-fields of the earth.

To realise the promise that a whole world can be remade in our image would require resources beyond imagination. Competition is doubtless an effective driver of achievement, but when we have made a wasteland of the earth, tainted its evaporating waters, rendered its air unbreathable, swollen its seas and drowned its cities, who then will be the victors and who the vanquished?

If western praise for 'Asian tigers' is exaggerated, perhaps this is because we are sufficiently acquainted with the fate of real tigers to know what we are talking about.

(Jeremy Seabrook is the author of Refuge and the Fortress: Refugees in Britain 1933-2008, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan.)

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Oil is too important to leave to market forces

From The Times
June 12, 2008

Oil is too important to leave to market forces

A six-point plan is needed to see off the latest threat to the economic stability of the world

Anatole Kaletsky

Towards the end of last year, as financial panic about the global credit crunch reached its climax, I wrote that a taxpayer-backed “plan B” would soon be needed to the save the world banking system. If financial markets failed to clear up the sub-prime mortgage mess by the end of the first quarter, the consequences would be so horrific that governments would have no choice but to step in.

This government-backed plan B was implemented in late February and early March with the rescue of Bear Stearns and the nationalisation of Northern Rock. As a result, the credit crunch is no longer a big threat to the world financial system, even though its painful impact on the British and European economies has only just started.

As the banking crisis has eased, however, a far greater danger has emerged to global prosperity: the price of oil. It looks increasingly as if this is another challenge that cannot simply be left to market forces. So is it time for a government-led plan B to curb the price of oil? I believe it is - and there are growing indications that world political leaders are starting to think along these lines.

The present oil boom looks reminiscent of the housing bubble, the dot-com bubble, the Japanese share bubble and all the financial bubbles before that. It started with a genuine and important structural shift in the world economy - the growth of China and the decline in non-Opec oil production - but financial markets have magnified this beyond all reasonable bounds.

But another more important aspect of the oil boom is now attracting political attention: An oil price above $100 a barrel is an enormous danger to the world economy. It threatens to reignite global inflation, wreck development plans in China and other emerging countries and magnifies geopolitical risks by redistributing some 7 per cent of global GDP, roughly $4 trillion per annum, from the stable societies of America, Europe and developing Asia to potentially hostile regimes. These regimes then leak this money to Wahhabi fundamentalist madrassas, communist insurgencies in South America and mafia activities from former Soviet states.

As politicians and voters start to grasp this, pressure is mounting for something to be done. As a result, a series of energy-related summits has recently been announced, starting with an emergency meeting of oil producers and consumers in Saudi Arabia and culminating in the G8 leaders' summit in Japan in July. What, then, might a Plan B to reduce oil prices consist of? And could it possibly work?

The second question can be answered by a leap of imagination: suppose first that China and other developing countries, which now account for all of the growth in global oil demand, stopped insulating domestic consumers and industries from high global oil prices. They could do this, without immediate hardship or political unrest, by abolishing all their energy subsidies. To soften the blow to consumers, they could raise domestic prices over a period of three to five years. Once prices reached global levels, they could gradually introduce European-style energy or carbon taxes to limit oil dependence, control pollution and encourage industries to adopt energy-efficient technologies, perhaps even leapfrogging Europe and the US.

This may seem wishful thinking, but in the past few weeks, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and India, have announced measures along these lines. The world is now waiting for China to recognise that it too has an overwhelming self-interest in becoming energy efficient - and that raising domestic energy prices is the best way to achieve this.

Secondly, suppose that the EU agreed to a minimum level of petrol and diesel taxes across Europe, set by each country within 10 or 15 per cent of the highest level at present prevailing in the EU (which, depending on exchange rates, is in Germany or Britain). By reducing tax competition, such a policy would remove a main gripe of lorry drivers and transport companies in countries with high energy taxes. This minimum energy tax could be raised by 3 per cent above the rate of inflation each year.

Thirdly, suppose that the US, Britain, Norway and other non-Opec oil producers reduced - or abolished - oil production taxes and royalties on any extra new oil produced in their territories. This would create powerful incentives for oil companies to extract every possible barrel from existing oilfields.

Fourthly, suppose that either of the main US presidential candidates announced firm targets for achieving energy independence - for example, that US oil imports, already roughly static, would be reduced by 5 per cent every year.

This target could be met by setting energy or carbon taxes - refundable to consumers through income tax cuts - at whatever level was required.

Fifthly, suppose that revenues from steadily rising petrol and diesel taxes in Europe and America were earmarked wholly or substantially to subsidise non-oil or zero-carbon energy sources.

Finally, suppose that financial regulators in America and Britain curbed commodity speculation and discouraged long-term investment in oil by financial institutions. The most important of these changes, proposed in the recent Senate hearings, would close the loophole that allows investment banks, such as Goldman Sachs, to enjoy the same privileges as oil producers in commodity markets.

Regulators and politicians are starting to recognise that investment by pension funds in commodities is detrimental to the interests of the world economy because commodities are not productive assets in the same way as company shares and that investors who buy commodities serve no social purpose, as they do when they buy government bonds.

Would such a six-point plan have any effect on global oil prices? “Market fundamentalists” - who believe that today's stratospheric prices reflect an imbalance between supply and demand - would presumably claim that announcing higher taxes on oil in the future would reduce the price only once these taxes were imposed.

My guess, however, is that the sort of Augustinian programme suggested above - raising prices to consumers but not just yet - would have an immediate and powerful effect on prices, especially if the tax measures were matched by restrictions on speculation and financial investment.

This could, of course, be wrong. But there is only one way to find out.

The oil-consuming nations have to agree on a plan B to cut oil prices, just as they agreed on a plan B to ease the credit crunch. And they have to do this within a matter of months. With the outlook for the global economy deteriorating almost daily, the time to let market forces solve the energy crisis is running out.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Potential Future Hyperinflation



By Stephen Lendman

10 June, 2008

Walter "John" Williams thinks out of the box. He makes disquieting reading, but you won't find him in the mainstream. At least not often. He runs a "Shadow Government Statistics" site with an electronic by-subscription newsletter. Anyone can access some of his data and occasional special reports. They can also assess his reasoning. In his judgment, government data are manipulated, corrupted and unreliable. He's not alone thinking that.

First, through technical changes over time in how data are collected and/or interpreted. The intent is to portray a more rosy scenario and ignore real world experiences of ordinary people. Calculating the CPI is an example:

-- in the 1980s, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) switched from using house prices to their rental equivalent;

-- then a decade ago, BLS made a spurious assumption for reasons other than it stated; it was that consumers substitute cheaper products for ones that have risen in price - such as hamburger for steak or chicken for meat; the idea wasn't to reflect their buying habits; it was to artificially lower inflation and distort its calculation; and

-- BLS has long adjusted prices for quality improvements; it's called "hedonic adjustment" that, in fact, cooks the books; so if computer speed increases, its cost is lowered proportionally even if its price rises; the same is true for autos with better brakes or other assorted innovations; again the result is distortion, and it affects all sorts of products; as a result, inflation is artificially and fraudulently lowered.

Another example is how federal deficits are calculated. Beginning with Nixon in 1969, a "unified budget" was adopted to artificially lower them by offsetting expenditures with "off-budget" Social Security revenues. The idea was to hide government's true cost at a time wartime and Great Society spending was high and would later factor into the 1970s and 1980s inflation. If deficits were calculated then and now by GAAP methodology (required of all publicly-traded corporations), they'd be much higher than annually reported - since the 1970s, in multiple trillions of dollars; fiscal alchemy sweeps them under the rug.

A further example was Nixon's "core inflation" idea. More artificial rigging - to exclude volatile food and energy prices to produce a lower figure. No matter that these items account for a large portion of consumer spending, especially for lower income households.

Others like this are numerous. They all amount to manipulative rigging for political or financial market purposes, and the practice goes back decades. A recent Bush administration one is switching to monthly instead of semi-annual jobs data seasonal adjustments to make the number friendlier. Later on (too late for markets to react) they're matched against payroll figures for a once a year adjustment and more accurate jobs created or lost reading.

The Clinton administration was also manipulative. In calculating employment, it lowered its monthly household sample from 60,000 to 50,000, reducing it mainly in inner cities. The effect is to artificially lower jobless numbers among blacks, Latinos and the poor overall. The calculation is also rigged by keeping out the 2.3 million prison population. The overall effect is illusion, not reality - to erase "free market" capitalism's defects and make it look wondrous and beneficial to mankind.

Williams reverse-engineers the GDP, employment and inflation data for more accurate readings. He backs out manipulative changes to produce more valid figures. Take the 5.5% May unemployment rate for example. BLS calculates it on persons who looked for work in the last 30 days. Williams adds those who want to work but gave up in frustration plus people working part-time who want (but can't find) full-time jobs. Result: real unemployment of over 12%.

The same methodology works for economic growth. The real value of all goods and services produced is lower than official GDP numbers when adjusted for higher inflation. More of it means higher prices, not increased output. It's how Williams makes his calculation, and he's worried. He sees inflation rising and a threat of hyperinflation ahead. He highlighted his concern in a recent April 2008 report called "Hyperinflation Special Report" with three dramatic sub-headings:

-- "Inflationary Recession Is in Place;

-- Banking Solvency Crisis Has Opened First Phase Monetary Inflation;" and

-- "Hyperinflationary Depression Remains Likely As Early as 2010."

Time alone will prove him right or wrong. But given current economic conditions, the financial malpractice that precipitated them, continued mismanagement since then, and resultant dangers they created, it pays to examine his analysis. It's not for the faint-hearted and hopefully won't bear out. But it's happened before at other times in other countries, and when it hits it ruins lives and savings. Is America now headed for that type future? Williams thinks so, and here's his argument.

He sees the US economy in an "intensifying inflationary recession" heading for "a hyperinflationary great depression." He expects it as soon as 2010, maybe sooner, and "likely" no later than in a decade. Blame it on reckless monetary and fiscal policy - creating torrents of money, borrowing outsized amounts, and spending ourselves into bankruptcy by supporting short-term "big-monied special interests."

Things are so out of hand, Williams sees "no way of avoiding a financial Armageddon." We're nearly or already bankrupt; are creating money to cover our obligations; the more we print, the more we need; it's fiat currency unbacked by gold; and every new dollar created dilutes the value of all others in circulation. Double the money supply, and presto - every dollar is worth 50 cents. Double it again, and you get the point. We've been doing it for decades, especially since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.

At some point, the music stops, the dollar collapses, it becomes worthless paper, and related dollar-demoninated paper assets go down with it. Williams quotes a law professor who experienced Weimar Germany's hyperinflation first hand. It was the worst by far ever recorded. "It was horrible. Horrible! Like lightening it struck. No one was prepared." Shelves in grocery stores emptied. "You could buy nothing with your paper money." At the trough in 1923, the mark plunged to an astonishing 4,200,000,000,000 to the dollar.

Can it happen here? It might, and rising world inflation is worrisome. Analyst Bob Chapman's International Forecaster reports current US inflation at 12.5%; China's 8.5%; Russia's 14%; Gulf oil producers on average 12%; India 8%; Indonesia 12%; Brazil 5%; Chile 8.3%; Venezuela 29.3% and Argentina 23%. This likely plays into the European Central Bank's (ECB) reluctance to cut rates and the Bank of England's holding off on further ones. It's also a factor affecting dollar weakness and rising gold prices that hedge against depreciating currencies and geopolitical uncertainties.

Williams is justifiably concerned as inflationary pressures build. First some definitions. Inflation results from a money supply increase that causes prices to rise. Williams refers only to goods and services, not financial assets like stocks and bonds. He also leaves out speculation and market manipulation that's key to understanding high oil and food prices. Markets don't move randomly. Big-monied speculators move them, but that's a separate topic from what Williams addresses.

He mentions various types of hyperinflation. They range from the double or triple-digit kind, several-fold that level, to what happened in Weimar Germany when it went to infinity. Once the genie is unleashed, there's no telling how bad things may get. Williams sees them getting pretty bad. So much so that dollars get dumped, holders flee to safety, and a downward spiral intensifies with no idea of a bottom.

In his view and others, the culprit is fiat currency, without gold backing. Its worth depends solely on the full faith and credit of the issuing government. Absent that and currencies crash. Print too much of it, and that's its future. Examine Fed policy under Greenspan and Bernanke, and draw your own conclusions.

They've been virtual money-creation machines unmindful of the history they should know. By issuing too much of a good thing for too many years, they fueled asset bubbles. When they burst, they made things worse and may now have headed the economy for collapse. In Williams judgment, America today is no different from other nations in other eras that followed similar policies. They all met the same fate, and today this country has already "obligated itself to liabilities well beyond its ability ever to pay off." Not a cheery assessment, and he's not alone believing it.

More definitions:

-- Deflation - a decrease in goods and services prices, generally from a money supply contraction;

-- Inflation - the reverse of the above;

-- Hyperinflation - extreme inflation, as explained above, to a level where money becomes worthless or nearly so; according to Williams, the coming hyperinflation is because of a "lack of monetary discipline formerly the gold standard, and a (Fed) dedicated to preventing a collapse in the money supply (and preventing) the implosion of the (ongoing) extremely over-leveraged domestic financial system;"

-- Recession - officially defined as two or more consecutive (inflation-adjusted) GDP contracting quarters; many economists don't agree on this, and some gauge conditions by the relative strength or weakness of industrial production, payroll employment, retail sales, and so forth; add it up and clearly the US is in recession; how bad and for how long will only be known in time;

-- Depression - a recession "where (inflation-adjusted) peak-to-trough contraction exceeds 10%; and a

-- Great depression - one where the peak-to-trough exceeds 25%. It happened only once so far in US history in the 1930s.

Williams believes the current US contraction is about halfway to becoming a "depression," but before it ends it may become "Great Depression II" to distinguish it from the earlier one. We're now in an "inflationary recession," and available data confirm it - soaring food and oil prices, a weakened dollar, true unemployment over 12%, real inflation nearly as high, weak industrial production, and more. In his judgment, expect worse ahead when added "inflationary effects of soaring broad money growth....start" surfacing later in the year. In his judgment, by year-end 2008, "official CPI" figures should begin showing it.

Current computations cook the books, and not just for inflation. According to Williams, the economy has been in recession since late 2006 when it entered the "second down-leg" of a multiple dip contraction. It began in 1999, then showed up officially in 2001. His current outlook takes account of "further bounces and dips in economic activity." We may now be in an upward swing before reheading down. It happened during the Great Depression, only to fall to new lows.

Conditions today are hazardous. A major financial crisis precipitated them. Reckless policies caused it. It threatens the solvency of major banks and other financial institutions. It also hurts the greater economy. Solutions - massive liquidity injections, interest rate cuts and reckless deficit spending. Result - financial malpractice for a short-term fix. Consequences - "financial Armageddon" according to Williams.

M3 (the broadest money supply measure) growth is so high that the Fed no longer reports it. Economists like Williams do because it's crucial to know, and the data he reveals are disturbing - record M3 growth at a near 18% annual pace. Hyperinflationary seeds are now sown. Dollar valuation is falling, and at some point may accelerate when investors flee it for safer havens. The Fed again will respond. More debt will be monetized. It will build over time. Things will get worse and then be exacerbated when the government is less able to meet its obligations. "Therein lies the ultimate basis for the pending hyperinflation," in Williams' judgment.

He believes it will morph into a hyperinflationary depression, then a "great depression." And when it hits, it will be with "surprising speed." Already disposable income is falling in a weakened economy in crisis. As things worsen, politicians get blamed, and Williams raises an interesting possibility. If conditions get bad enough, voters may respond with their feet, declare a pox on both major parties, and turn to a third alternative around 2010 or 2012. It happened before in our history. The Republican Party is Exhibit A. It was created in 1854 at a time Democrats and Whigs were the two dominant parties. Exit Whigs, and enter Republicans with Abraham Lincoln its first elected president in 1860.

Williams shows US inflation data going back to 1665. It was fairly stable up to the Fed's 1913 creation. It then began rising and accelerated post-WW II. Government calculations mask it. Alternative ones are more revealing and accurate. Except for minor price declines in 1944 and 1955, the US hasn't had a deflationary period since the 1930s. Abandoning the gold standard is why. It imposed monetary discipline. Roosevelt went off it in 1933. He had to. The banking system collapsed, money supply imploded, and economic stimulus was needed. It released the Fed to create money freely. Therein lies the problem, and it shows up in the numbers.

Current Fed Chairman Bernanke and Alan Greenspan are students of the Great Depression. "Helicopter Ben" especially vowed never again, and his actions prove it to a fault. He knows the risks and stated them in an earlier speech. He said:

"Like gold, US dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply. But the US government has a technology called a printing press (now its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many US dollars as it wishes." By doing so, it "reduce(s) the value of a dollar in terms of goods and services" which raises their prices...."under a paper-money system, a determined government can always generate higher spending and hence positive inflation."

So it has, according to Williams, and it caused a "slow-motion destruction of the US dollar's purchasing power" since 1933. It shows up in GAAP-based 2007 federal deficit figures - $4 trillion for the fiscal year, not the official $163 fiction reported. Williams estimates total outstanding federal obligations at $62.6 trillion. At least one other economist puts it over $80 trillion. There's no way to honor this debt level, so the "government effectively is bankrupt." At that point, it has three choices - default, declare a moratorium, or repudiate the entire amount.

Sooner or later, markets will react. Holders of US debt already are balking, but so far modestly and quietly. Ahead, that may change if dollar valuations plunge. It will force the Fed's hand. Greater debt monetization will follow. Dollar valuations will sink further, and so forth in a progressive downward cycle to oblivion if Williams is right.

If conditions get severe enough, the Fed can create huge amounts of currency in a few days or weeks - enough to match the dollar's lost purchasing power in the last 75 years. Combine it with fiscal irresponsibility and imagine the consequences.

Official data alone today are reason for concern - soaring food and oil prices, the dollar near historic lows, money growth at an all-time high, and off-the-charts federal deficits and debt. The trend continues, and it shows up in gold prices - topping $1000, then retreating, but nearly certain to soar way above previous highs on its way to numbers not discussed in the mainstream - $2000 an ounce, $3000? Who knows. Williams sees it "setting new historic highs."

In 1980, its price hit $850 an ounce. In CPI inflation-adjusted terms, around $2300 an ounce would match it today. But if the government hadn't cooked the CPI calculation, the number would be about $6250 an ounce. By that standard, gold today is cheap. It's way below its real 1980 top, and if inflation accelerates as Williams predicts, expect much higher prices as dollars keep deflating.

Under this scenario, the "US government cannot cover (its) existing obligations." Annual federal deficits are "careening wildly out of control, averaging $4.6 trillion per year for the six years through 2007." That's with all unfunded liabilities included like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, other social services, debt service and more.

Williams says things are so out of control that "if the government (raised taxes) to seize 100% of all wages, salaries and corporate profits, it still would (show) an annual deficit using GAAP accounting" methods. At the same time, "given current revenues, if it stopped (all) spending (including defense and homeland security) other than Social Security and Medicare obligations, the government still would (show) an annual deficit." The hole is so deep, it's impossible to dig out, according to Williams.

But given political realities, officials spend whatever it takes to get elected and keep their jobs. That's besides foreign wars, limitless corporate subsidies and more. Things, however, won't improve. They'll worsen, and that for Williams spells hyperinflation ahead. It's happening "with the full knowledge of political Washington and the Federal Reserve." It it weren't for the US's "special position," our debt would likely be rated "below investment grade instead of triple-A." Longer term bonds are especially risky. At some point, they'll lose their full value. They also risk default, and that's besides their loss in dollar terms.

It's just a matter of time before foreign investors get worried enough to act - buying fewer Treasuries down to none, then followed by redemptions. The Fed will have to compensate. Print more currency, and the problem deepens. Its value declines and inflation accelerates.

Trade policies worsen things. We're in a global race to the bottom. The once bedrock manufacturing base eroded. It's now 10% of the economy and falling. Services currently account for around 84% of it and rising. Jobs in all categories are being offshored to low-wage countries. Average inflation-adjusted wages keep declining. Real earnings are below their early 1970s peak. Living standards are falling. Consumer debt is rising to make up the shortfall. Savings are liquidated. Before the housing decline, mortgage refinancing helped when valuations rose. It meant taking on more debt. Fed policy encouraged it. Today's dilemma "is payback" for unsustainable bubble-creation policies. Recalling a relevant quote: "Things that can't go on forever won't."

Bad policy caused enormous structural change, and trade deficits are part of it. They've "risen to the highest level for any country in history." They're one more problem for a seriously over-extended economy. It places "the federal government and Federal Reserve in untenable positions, where they cannot easily or rapidly address the underlying problems, even if standard economic stimuli were available."

Given the federal deficit and out-of-control spending, fiscal policy limits have been reached. The Fed's in the same bind. It can neither stimulate the economy or contain inflation. Rate cuts have done little. Saving the dollar may require raising them, but that won't "contain non-demand driven inflation." It shows up in high food, energy, health care, and companies like Dow Chemical announcing on May 28 that it will raise prices across the board up to 20% to offset increased costs.

More cause for worry, and Williams anticipates depression. Hyperinflation will follow, and it will sink "the economy into a great depression." It will halt commercial activity. The greater disparity in income, the more negative its consequences. "Extremes in income variance usually are followed by financial panics and economic depressions. US income variance today is higher" than in 1929 and "nearly double that of any other 'advanced' economy."

Federal bailouts have worsened things. Dollar creation exploded. Crisis has been pushed into the future. Its enormity will be far greater, and foreign investors will get stuck with a lot of it. When it arrives in strength, capital outflow will follow, and dollar valuation will plunge with it. Williams believes that "both central bank and major private investors know that the dollar is going to be a losing proposition. They either expect and/or hope that they can get of (it) in time to lock in their profits (or for central bankers) that they can forestall the ultimate global economic crisis" as long as possible.

Dollars are very vulnerable in this environment. If Treasuries are dumped, the Fed will monetize debt to make up the difference. Inflation will then accelerate, multi-trillion dollar deficits will worsen things, and a "self-feeding cycle of currency debasement and hyperinflation" will follow.

Cash as we know it will disappear. A barter system and black market will replace it or possible introduction of a new currency. Since most money today is electronic, not physical, chances of it adapting "are practically nil." With hyperinflation, electronic commerce would completely shut down and economic collapse would follow. Gold and silver will be invaluable. Holders could exchange them for goods and services.

Physical goods will also be precious for survival and as a medium of exchange. Anything with a long shelf life may be stocked in advance, and providers of essential services could barter them for goods and other services. Forewarned is forearmed. Safety and liquidity are crucial. Anything retaining value is essential. Real estate, other currencies for example. Foreign equities and debt to a small degree because US financial assets hammering will spill everywhere.

With all that to deal with, consider another dilemma - the likelihood of painful political change, civil unrest, disruptive violence, and utter chaos. If Williams is right and hyperinflation arrives, Katie bar the door on what may follow. Revolutions are possible with three notable last century ones to consider - in Russia, Weimer Germany and Nationalist China. In each case, the old order ended, everything changed, but not for the good. How does Williams advise? Evaluate one's own circumstances, use common sense, and forewarned is forearmed. That will help, but hard times hurt everyone.

Hopefully they won't arrive, at least not full-blown as Williams predicts. But make no mistake. Excess has a price. The more of it the greater. America has an ocean of it. Sooner or later comes payback. "Things that can't go on forever won't."

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Oil price crisis threatens to reverse globalisation

The Times 


With brutal efficiency, the oil price is beginning to duff up a monster of the 20th century: globalisation. Those great tentacles that gripped our world in a hideous embrace are suddenly weakening and the multinational octopus is looking a bit pale and sickly. The extraordinary rise in the price of crude oil is wrecking outsourced business models everywhere and distance from your customer is no longer merely a matter of dull logistics. Whether you are selling coiled steel or cut flowers, the cost of transport is a problem.
America's steel industry is enjoying an unexpected revival, its competitive edge sharpened by the tariff wall erected by the cost of shipping heavy, low added-value products across the Pacific. We hear fewer complaints from Americans about Asian steel-dumping; instead, it is Asian exporters who are feeling the pinch and the pressure is from inputs as well as shipping to customers.
China needs to import iron ore and coking coal, but the cost of shipping a tonne of ore from Brazil to China now exceeds $100, a cost that is equal to the value of the mineral itself. The oil overhead for passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific is proving to be a powerful bargaining chip in negotiations between some Australian iron ore mining companies and their Chinese steel mill customers. Antipodean miners are holding out for a higher price, arguing that some of the benefit of lower carriage costs belongs to producers. Proximity is suddenly more profitable and local solutions begin to look less like the expensive option. It would be rash to predict a revival of the Yorkshire textile mill and the demise of the Guangdong sweatshop, but you have to ask whether it makes sense to ship stuff from China when the price of a sea voyage from Shanghai represents half of the value of the product.
The economics of long-distance supply chains are being rewritten; if it is small and expensive - drugs and sophisticated electronics, for example - fuel costs have little impact, but bulky goods are under the cosh. Furniture, footwear, basic machinery, building materials - this is the stuff that China exports in vast quantities to America and it was very cheap, until now.
Economists at CIBC World Markets reckon that globalisation might go into reverse if the escalation in fuel costs continues. The freight cost of importing goods into America represented an effective tariff of 3 per cent when the oil price was $20 per barrel in 2000; it is now more than 9 per cent and will rise to 11 per cent if oil hits $150, CIBC says.
The revenge of localisation will be good for some but not for others and, just as globalisation had its victims, so will the gradual retreat by big business from the air and the high seas.
The business of airfreighting perishable goods is going seriously awry. Most of the cut flowers sold in Britain come from East African and Latin American plantations. This trade has been a key target for climate change campaigners, who worry about so-called food miles and advocate local sourcing to reduce the carbon footprint of produce. British flower importers complain about 40 per cent increases in freight rates. In the case of carnations, a commodity product, the cost of airfreight from Kenya or Colombia now accounts for half of its value. Too bad, say the anti-globalisation brigade. Do without roses in January. Eat turnips, wear scratchy English tweeds, save the planet and blow a raspberry at global capitalism. Unfortunately, it will not work like that because without the benefit of cheap global trade, we will be at even greater risk of exploitation by big companies.
Inexpensive fuel has made life in Britain very easy for the great majority, bringing with it not just cheap clothes and appliances from Asia but also very cheap food. The tariff wall of expensive marine and jet fuel will favour domestic manufacturers, but it will punish consumers, who will find themselves once again at the mercy of a reduced number of suppliers. These will expand their profit margins, comfortable in the knowledge that the overseas competitor is suffering a critical cost disadvantage.
It is not clear that Britain will gain much from a localised world. A nation that depends heavily on trade is unlikely to profit when trading becomes more expensive.
A more likely outcome than localisation will be regionalisation - Asian, Latin American and African manufacturers will be forced to look to neighbouring markets for opportunities if the cost of long-haul markets becomes prohibitive.
An expansion of regional trade would be good for the world as it might open opportunities for neighbours of giants, such as China and India to sell their wares.
However, it may not be good for Britain, which has thrived on London's role as a global trading mecca. It would not be illogical for trade in financial services to follow the regionalisation of trade in goods - we may see more dispersal of financial markets to the Far East, the Middle East and, eventually, to Latin America and Africa. In such a world, where travel is expensive and financial capital more dispersed, Britain's advantage might be more difficult to sell.

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'Innocent' will lose homes, King warns


'Innocent' will lose homes, King warns

By Sean O'Grady, Economics Editor
Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, gave a stark warning yesterday that the financial excesses of recent years will lead to misery for homeowners.

In his gloomiest assessment to date of the prospects for British homeowners, Mr King said the recent financial "party" of cheap credit and excessive risk-taking has left a situation where "when the party ends, some innocent bystanders may lose their homes altogether."
Mr King's gloomy comments are unlikely to be welcomed by ministers. The credit crisis, Mr King suggested, "is not yet over". He said: "We are passing through the most prolonged period of financial turmoil that most of us can remember. Whether, as the IMF has argued, it is the worst period of financial stress since the 1930s is too early to judge".
The Governor added that "a wide range of financial institutions, including investment banks, monoline insurers, even hedge funds, have the potential to cause significant damage to the rest of the economy".
Mr King's speech to the British Bankers Association also included detail of how he believes financial regulation and supervision can be improved, promising to make financial stability a key priority in his second term of office. The Governor announced that the Special Liquidity Scheme, by which the banks can exchange mortgage-backed securities for more marketable government securities, will be placed on a more permanent basis.
"We intend to learn from the experience of the scheme to put in place a liquidity facility that works in all seasons – 'normal' and 'stressed'," he said. "Any such facility will need to meet two challenges: it will need the right pricing structure and it will need to overcome the 'stigma' problem."
The Governor also welcomed the proposal by Alistair Darling, the Chancellor, for the launch of a Financial Stability Committee, which could be set up to advise the Bank on matters relating to the markets. Mr King's words echoed those of Mr Darling, who said: "We should learn from the example of the Monetary Policy Committee, and take a similar approach to financial stability, bringing in outside expertise to advise the Governor and the appropriate deputy governor."
While many analysts have interpreted Mr Darling's proposals, made unexpectedly in the House of Commons, as a sleight on Mr King's handling of financial stability, the Governor said: "In monetary policy we now have a framework which makes the commitment to low inflation credible ... we need now to develop an equally strong framework for financial stability."
One question within that debate that has yet to be resolved is the issue of who will succeed Rachel Lomax when she retires at the end of this month as deputy governor for monetary policy.
Tensions have arisen between the Bank and the Treasury over whether Ms Lomax should be succeeded by the Bank's chief economist, Charles Bean, as the Governor prefers. Mr Darling is thought to prefer an alternative figure, who could bring more markets experience to the Bank's ruling triumvirate, such as Paul Tucker, the Bank's director for markets.
George Osborne, the shadow Chancellor, said he welcomed the Bank's proposals. He told the bankers: "I believe there is a deal to be struck between the Government and the City. Your side of the bargain is to manage risk properly, to understand the products you buy and sell fully, to make sure the generous rewards your staff receive do not distort proper judgement about financial control, and to be open, transparent and honest about losses in a timely way."
The Bank's challenges in coping with the credit crunch are continuing. Its own figures on mortgage rates, released yesterday, showed that the cost of the average two-year fixed-rate mort-gage deal rose from 6.06 per cent in April to 6.27 per cent in May, the highest level since 2000.

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Monday 9 June 2008

The cheesy secret behind successful decision making


The cheesy secret behind successful decision making

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Friday, 6 June 2008

It may look like an ordinary cheese sandwich – but it could contain the vital ingredient that helps you successfully negotiate that pay rise.

Scientists have found that people with high levels of the brain chemical serotonin are more likely to succeed in delicate negotiations affecting their own interests. Serotonin is manufactured in the body from the amino acid, tryptophan, which is present in several foods – and cheese is a particularly good source.
Eating a cheese sandwich before entering the boss's office could therefore give your brain that vital edge.
Psychologists at the University of Cambridge who manipulated the diets of volunteers to alter their serotonin levels found that when the levels of the brain chemical were low the volunteers were more likely to allow emotion to rule their heads and make decisions that harmed their long-term interests.
But when the levels of serotonin were high they behaved in a more rational, level-headed fashion, putting their own material advancement ahead of the short-term satisfaction of telling their boss exactly what they thought of them.
It is one of the first studies to demonstrate the role of serotonin in regulating emotion and aggression in social decision making. The findings help explain why some people tend to over-react to a perceived unfairness, becoming angry and combative, when they haven't eaten.
People with short fuses have traditionally blamed a shortage of calories – "low blood sugar" – for their bad temper. But the Cambridge psychologists say fluctuations in serotonin levels have more subtle effects.
To test the theory, the researchers manipulated serotonin levels in 20 volunteers aged from 20 to 35.
The volunteers were asked to fast overnight before being given a protein-rich drink in the morning, followed some four hours later (once it was digested), with a request to participate in a financial negotiation called the Ultimatum Game. All the volunteers participated twice – once receiving a shake with tryptophan removed and once receiving a normal, tryptophan-rich shake.
The game, which has been used for decades in studies of economic behaviour, involves one player proposing to split a sum of money, say £10, with a partner. If the partner accepts, both players receive their agreed shares but if the partner rejects the offer, neither player is paid.
Normally players tend to reject about half of all offers of less than £2.50 (25 per cent of the total stake), even though this means they receive nothing, because their anger at the perceived unfairness outweighs their interest in the cash.
But among players with low serotonin who had received the tryptophan-free shake, the rejection rate rose to 80 per cent.
Molly Crockett, of the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, who led the study published in Science Express, said: "The Ultimatum Game is a favourite of economists to show that human decisio making is not rational. If it were rational we would accept every offer, even those that are really unfair, but that is not what happens."
She concluded: "Our results suggest serotonin plays a critical role in social decision making by keeping aggressive social responses in check. Changes in diet and stress cause our serotonin levels to fluctuate naturally, so it is important to understand how this might affect our everyday decision making."
How to get serotonin in your diet
Serotonin is manufactured in the body from the amino acid tryptophan, which is present in most protein-based foods. High levels of tryptophan are found in cheese, meat, soya beans, sesame seeds, chocolate, oats, bananas, dried dates, milk and salmon.
Turkey is reputed to contain high quantities of the amino acid, which is said to account for the air of contentment that reigns immediately after Christmas dinner. But analysis shows that turkey contains only marginally more than chicken, pork or beef – and somewhat less than cheese.
Tryptophan is sold in healthfood stores as a dietary supplement that is claimed to act as "nature's tranquilliser", boosting serotonin levels and making us happier, calmer and less stressed. Its sleep-inducing properties are, however, more likely to be linked with the quantity of food eaten than the amount of tryptophan it contains – as the near-universal urge to snooze after a large meal confirms.

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Sunday 8 June 2008

Why adultery can help save a marriage

Therapist is under fire for saying that cheating on your spouse can be more of a blessing than a sin

Amelia Hill, social affairs correspondent
Sunday June 8, 2008


A controversial self-help book for married philanderers claims most adulterers are good, kind people. It says affairs can help a marriage and that those who stray should never admit it because the truth can cause even more damage.
'Cheating on your spouse isn't a moral act, but most men and woman who have affairs are good people who made a mistake,' said Mira Kirshenbaum, author of When Good People Have Affairs, published this week. 'They never thought it would happen to them but, suddenly, they're in this complicated, dangerous situation. We all agree that infidelity is a mistake. But once you've crossed the line, what then?'

Kirshenbaum has been criticised by her peers for saying cheats deserve sympathy and understanding. 'Adulterers are neither kind nor good people, so what sort of sympathy are we supposed to give them?', said Leila Collins, a psychologist who has given relationship counselling for 15 years. 'A good person doesn't betray their loved ones. A good person who is unsatisfied in their relationship ends it before starting a new one.'

Kirshenbaum, clinical director of the Chestnut Hill Institute, a centre for relationship therapy and research in Boston, Massachusetts, admits that infidelity is a controversial topic to address sympathetically. 'But these people are suffering terribly and need to be relieved of their sense of guilt and shame because those emotions are paralysing,' she said.

Those who have affairs are seeking real happiness and love in their lives, believes Kirshenbaum, who has been treating couples and individuals for 30 years and has written 10 books on relationships. 'Until now, the story of these men and women has never been told,' she said. 'Shame and fear have kept it in the closet and so they haven't had the understanding that might save them from ruining the lives of everyone involved.'

She believes that society's refusal to have a sympathetic discussion of infidelity has meant that the positive sides of betraying a spouse have been ignored. 'Sometimes an affair can be the best way for the person who has been unfaithful to get the information and impetus to change,' she said. 'I'm not encouraging affairs, but underlying the complicated mess is a kind of deep and delicate wisdom. It's an insight that something isn't working and needs to change.'

Her views reflect the plotline of Adrian Lyne's 2002 film, Unfaithful, in which Richard Gere's love for his wife, Diane Lane, is rekindled by her affair with a younger man, Olivier Martinez. 'If handled right, an affair can be therapeutic, give clarity and jolt people from their inertia,' she said. 'You could think of it as a radical but necessary medical procedure. If your marriage is in cardiac arrest, an affair can be a defibrillator.'

Kirshenbaum believes there are 17 reasons why people have affairs, including the see-if affair, the distraction affair and the sexual-panic affair. To help people decide whether their infidelity should spell the end of their marriage, she lists a few that she believes do indicate the relationship is over - and those that do not. 'You should stay with your partner if your affair is a heating-up-your-marriage affair, let's-kill-this-relationship-and-see-if-it-comes-back-to-life affair, do-I-still-have-it affair, accidental affair, revenge affair or midlife-crisis affair,' said Kirshenbaum.

'But you need to think carefully about whether to stay with your primary partner if your affair is of the following kinds: the break-out-into-selfhood affair, unmet-need affair, having-experiences-I-missed-out-on affair, surrogate-therapy affair, ejector-seat affair,' she said.

Kirshenbaum is adamant that an adulterer must never confess - not even if their partner asks directly. 'This is the one area in which the truth usually creates far more damage in the long run,' she said. 'A lot of people confess because they feel they just have to be honest. Well, honesty is great. But it's a very abstract moral principle. A much more concrete, and much higher, moral principle is not hurting people. And when you confess to having an affair, you are hurting someone. If you care that much about honesty, figure out who you want to be with, commit to that relationship and devote the rest of your life to making it the most honest relationship you can,' she said.

There are two huge exceptions to not telling. 'If you're having an affair and you haven't practised safe sex, you have to tell,' she said. 'You also have to tell if discovery is imminent or likely. If it's clear that you're going to be found out, it's better for you to make the confession first.'

Another reason for not telling is that it makes it far more difficult for a remorseful adulterer to return to the fold. 'If your partner will find out about your affair, your whole future happiness together depends on whether he's basically vengeful or basically merciful,' she said.

Kirshenbaum's opinion on what constitutes a happy ending is also controversial. Divorce, she believes, can be the path to a bright future. 'Sometimes - many times, in fact - divorce is worth it,' she said. 'It plays an important function. It gets us out of misery-making marriages and we have a chance of finding happiness somewhere else.'