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Showing posts with label meet. Show all posts

Saturday 1 July 2023

Never Meet Your Hero

The saying "Never meet your hero" is a cautionary advice that suggests it's best to avoid meeting or getting too close to someone you greatly admire or look up to. The underlying idea is that meeting them in person may shatter the idealized image you have of them, leading to disappointment, disillusionment, or a loss of respect.

Here are a few reasons why this saying holds some truth:

  1. Idealization: When we admire someone from a distance, we tend to create an idealized version of them in our minds. We focus on their achievements, talents, and positive qualities. However, meeting them in person may reveal their flaws, shortcomings, or simply the fact that they are human like everyone else. This contrast between the idealized image and reality can be disheartening.

  2. Unmet Expectations: Meeting your hero can come with high expectations. You might anticipate an extraordinary experience or hope for a deep personal connection. However, in reality, the interaction may not live up to your expectations. They may not meet your assumptions or be as interested in engaging with you as you had hoped. This discrepancy can be disappointing and lead to a sense of letdown.

  3. Human Imperfection: Heroes, like all humans, have their flaws and make mistakes. By meeting them, you become more aware of their imperfections, which can tarnish the pedestal on which you had placed them. You might discover they hold different beliefs, behave in ways that clash with your values, or have made questionable decisions. This revelation can be disillusioning and alter your perception of them.

  4. Loss of Mystery: Part of the allure of heroes lies in the mystery and intrigue surrounding them. When you meet them and learn more about their personal lives, their struggles, and their everyday routines, the enigma may dissipate. This loss of mystery can diminish the charm and fascination you had felt toward them.

It's important to note that while this saying holds some truth, it doesn't mean that meeting your hero will always result in disappointment. Some people have positive experiences and develop deeper admiration and respect for their heroes after meeting them. However, the saying serves as a reminder to be prepared for the possibility that reality may not match your expectations, and it encourages appreciating and respecting people for their accomplishments while acknowledging their humanity.