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Saturday 27 March 2021

Aagamee Manushya Party / Human Future Party

 We the members believe: 

  1. Human knowledge and understanding are limited. We believe in a sceptical examination of all philosophies, knowledge systems and their methods.
  2. Life on planet earth appears on a downward spiral and all attempts should be made to prevent the extinction of the human race and its environment.
  3. Achievement of political power is crucial to achieving our objectives and all methods are fair.
  4. Land, labour, money, risk… are fictitious concepts and we will aim to search for better fictions to prevent the extinction of the human race and its environment.

 The above principles will be used to guide our approach to any issue.


Anybody can become a member of the party by affirming to the above four values and paying the requisite joining fee and annual membership charges.

 Anybody can leave the party by submitting their resignation to the appropriate authority in the party with six months notice.

 The party will evolve disciplinary policies after ascertaining that a member has violated its founding values.


 The party will have a Chairperson, a General Secretary and a Treasurer as a leadership troika. The troika will take decisions to achieve the party’s values. Each officer will have a vote each to decide on all operational issues and decisions can be made by a majority vote. Pursuing a consensus should always be the initial approach.

 On issues relating to the values of the party, these maybe amended with a 75% majority of the general membership.

 The leadership troika will have a term of three years. Elections will be held for each post every three years.

 The party may be dissolved with a 80% vote of the general membership.


Application form to join Aagamee Manushya Party / Human Future Party




residing at:



hereby affirm:


  1. Human knowledge and understanding are limited. We believe in a sceptical examination of all philosophies, knowledge systems and their methods.
  2. Life on planet earth appears on a downward spiral and all attempts should be made to prevent the extinction of the human race and its environment.
  3. Achievement of political power is crucial to achieving our objectives and all methods are fair.
  4. Land, labour, money, risk… are fictitious concepts and we will aim to search for better fictions to prevent the extinction of the human race and its environment.


I wish to join The Aagamee Manushya Party / Human Future Party and promise to work in a diligent manner to propagating its values and beliefs.


I enclose the amount                                                              towards membership and annual subscription charges.




